  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Yang Ke


Yang Ke is a prominent representative poet of the “folk writing” movement in China. Since 1985, Yang Ke has published eleven books of poetry as well as three collections of essays and an anthology. His works have been included in many poetry anthologies, including Chinese New Literature Series and Centennial Collection of Chinese New Poems. His poems have been translated into English, Japanese, German, French, Korean and Indonesian. He has edited every Chinese New Poems Yearbook published between 1998 and 2014, their Ten Year Poetry Anthology, Hazy Poem Anthology (China Series fourth volume), along with many other selections of poetry. He has won numerous literature awards in mainland China and Taiwan, including the eighth Lu Xun's Literature Award for Guangdong Province, Top Ten in the First Chinese Poetry Bi-annual Awards (2006-2007), and the Chinese Contemporary Poetry (2000-2010) Dedication Award. He now lives in Guangzhou, where he serves as vice president of the Guangdong Writer's Association and President of Literary Works, a literary magazine.


Simon Patton

Simon Patton is a Brisbane based freelance literary translator and part-time teacher of Chinese at the University of Queensland. Patton has been translating Chinese literature for over fifteen years, especially contemporary poetry.

西敏-巴顿是澳大利亚翻译家, 15年来译过不少中国当代诗人的作品。他在昆士兰大学兼职教中文。


The People

那些讨薪的民工。那些从大平煤窑里伸出的 148双残损的手掌。 卖血染上艾滋的李爱叶。 黄土高坡放羊的光棍。 沾着口水数钱的长舌妇。 发廊妹,不合法的性工作者。 跟城管打游击战的小贩。 需要桑拿的 小老板。 那些骑自行车的上班族。 无所事事的溜达者。 那些酒吧里的浪荡子。边喝茶 边逗鸟的老翁。 让人一头雾水的学者。 那臭烘烘的酒鬼、赌徒、挑夫 推销员、庄稼汉、教师、士兵 公子哥儿、乞丐、医生、秘书(以及小蜜) 单位里头的丑角或 配角。 从长安街到广州大道 这个冬天我从未遇到过“人民” 只看见无数卑微地说话的身体 每天坐在公共汽车上 互相取暖。 就像肮脏的零钱 使用的人,皱着眉头,把他们递给了,社会。


The workers who have to beg for wages. 148 pairs of injured hands waving from the Daqing coal mine. Li Aiye, who caught AIDS after giving blood. The shepherd bachelors of the loess slopes. Gossipy women, mouths slick with spit as they count their cash. Hair salon girls: unlicensed sex-workers. Peddlers engaged in guerrilla warfare with city authorities. Old bosses in need of a sauna. The 9 to 5 tribe off to work on their bicycles. Good-for-nothings with nowhere to go and nothing to do. The bar-room wasters. Old men sipping tea as they pet songbirds. Scholars who fill the heads of their listeners with fog. Derros, punters, porters stinking to high heaven; dandies, beggars, doctors, secretaries (and secret mistresses); workplace clowns and other supporting actors. From the Avenue of Heavenly Peace to the Guangzhou Dadao I have yet to see 'The People' this winter; I've seen vulgar speaking bodies keeping each other warm on buses day after day. They're like filthy coins, handed over frowning to society.

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