  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Yu Jian


Yu Jian was born Born in 1954 in Yunnan Province. At the age of twenty, Yu Jian began writing his first poems in free verse. He has published over twenty books of poetry and prose and a collection of travel sketches. He has received many poetry prizes in China and other countries. He is a professor of Yunnan University.


Cindy Carter

Cindy M. Carter is a Beijing-based American translator of Chinese fiction and film. Since coming to China in 1996, she has translated over 50 award-winning independent Chinese films and documentaries, dozens of scripts, short stories, essays and poems and 2 novels.

美籍中国文学翻译家Cindy Carter,主要翻译中国小说和电影。曾翻译过40多部获奖的中国独立电影和纪录片,数十部脚本,众多的短故事、散文、诗歌,以及小说.曾获2008年英国艺术协会的资助奖励。


The Nail That Pierced the Sky

一直为帽子所遮蔽 直到有一天 帽子腐烂 落下 它才从墙壁上突出 那个多年之前 把它敲进墙壁的动作 似乎刚刚停止 微小而静止的金属 露在墙壁上的秃顶正穿过阳光 进入它从未具备的锋利 在那里 它不只穿过阳光 也穿过房间和它的天空 它从实在的 深的一面  用秃顶 向空的 浅的一面 刺进 这种进入和天空多么吻和  和简单的心多么吻和 一枚穿过天空的钉子 一位刚刚登基的君王 锋利 辽阔 光芒四射


hidden from view by a hat until one day the hat rotted and fell the nail sticks out at last as if the movement that drove it into the wall all those years ago had just now ceased a tiny, static, bald metallic head juts from the wall, piercing sunlight with a sharpness it never knew it possessed in that place it passes not only into the light but into the room, into its own bit of sky rooted in the deep end of reality it cranes its head toward the shallow end of emptiness and stabs through such penetration is a perfect fit with sky a perfect merging of a simple heart the nail that pierces sky is like a monarch who has just ascended the throne keen expansive radiant in all directions

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