Kyle David Anderson 安凯德
 Kyle David Anderson was born in Peacedale, Rhode Island, in 1977. From there, he journeyed north to spend his teenage years among the shadowy woods and snowy slopes of Vermont. His undergraduate and graduate education in comparative literature was conducted in Utah, Pennsylvania, Italy, Taiwan and China. He is a student of modern and classical Chinese poetry and currently heads Centre College's (KY) Chinese section. In addition to his love for poetry, Kyle enjoys playing soccer, painting, sculpting and collecting antique books.
安凯德博士1977年生于美国罗德岛安庄, 后移居佛蒙特州,在幽暗的树林里和多雪的山坡度过了青少年时代。他曾在犹他州、宾州、意大利、台湾和中国的大学深造。作为一个比较文学学者, 凯德的研究领域为近代中国文学和文化。除了欣赏和研究诗以外, 他也酷爱踢足球、绘画、雕刻、收集古书。

