Dara Wier 达拉-维尔
 Dara Wier's books include Selected Poems (Wave Books 2009), Remnants of Hannah (Wave Books 2006), Reverse Rapture (Verse Press 2005), Hat on a Pond (Verse Press, 2002) and Voyages in English (Carnegie Mellon U. Press, 2001). Awards include the Jerome Shestack Award by the American Poetry Review's Jerome Shestack Prize, a Guggenheim and a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship. Her poems are included in volumes of the Pushcart Prize and Best American Poetry series. She is a member of the poetry faculty and director of the MFA program for poets and writers at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.
达拉-维尔的诗集包括《诗选》(浪潮书社, 2009) 、《汉娜的残迹》(浪潮书社, 2006) 、《逆向狂喜》(诗行出版社, 2005) 、《池塘上的帽子》(诗行出版社, 2002) 和 《英语远航》(卡内基梅隆大学出版社, 2001) 。曾获奖项包括《美国诗歌评论》所颁布的歇斯塔克奖、古根海姆奖和美国艺术捐赠基金奖。她的诗被收入《普希卡奖诗集》和《美国最佳诗作》系列。她是美国麻省州立大学诗歌教授,并任诗人作家艺术创作班硕导主任。

