  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Dara Wier

Huiyin Lin


Chinese architect, poet and writer. Born in 1904 in Fujian Province, China. She studied briefly at St Mary’s College in London in 1919 and studied architecture in the United States in 1925. She was regarded as the first female architect in China and has published many works of poetry, prose, novel and translations.


Mario Li


Poet and translator. Under Chinese pen name Laoha, he translates and writes poems both in English and Chinese. He was born in China in 1960 and now lives in Northern Nevada, USA.


On a Hollow Bayan Leaf

认得这透明体, 智慧的叶子掉在人间? 消沉,慈净—— 那一天一闪冷焰, 一叶无声的坠地, 仅证明了智慧寂寞 孤零的终会死在风前! 昨天又昨天,美 还逃不出时间的威严; 相信这里睡眠着最美丽的 骸骨,一丝魂魄月边留念,—— 菩提树下清荫则是去年!


Recognize some transparent thing, Isn't it a leaf of wisdom fallen into the world? Despondency, clear kindness... On that day, like a flash of cold flame, A leaf silently fell to the ground, Proof to the loneliness of wisdom, The lonely one dies before wind! Yesterday before yesterday, beauty Could not escape the dignity of time. Believe it, here sleeps the most beautiful Skeleton, a soul lingering around moon... Under the cool shadow of a bayan tree is last year!


Sadness of August

黄水塘里游着白鸭, 高粱梗油青的刚高过头, 这跳动的心怎样安插, 田里一窄条路,八月里这忧愁? 天是昨夜雨洗过的,山岗 照着太阳又留一片影; 羊跟着放羊的转进村庄, 一大棵树荫下罩着井,又像是心! 从没有人说过八月什么话, 夏天过去了,也不到秋天。 但我望着田垄,土墙上的瓜, 仍不明白生活同梦怎样的连牵。


In a yellow pond there are white ducks swimming. Only a little taller than people, sorghums are still green. Where should I put, in this pounding heart, A narrow path in the field, this sadness in August. Rain washed the sky clean last night, sun shines On hills and leaves some shadows, Sheep follow the shepherd into the village, And shading a well, a big tree looks like a heart. No one ever spoke of August, summer is over And fall isn't here. I look onto a farmland And then at the squashes over the earth wall, I just don't understand how life and dream connect.



人间的季候永远不断在转变 春时你留下多处残红,翩然辞别, 本不想回来时同谁叹息秋天! 现在连秋云黄叶又已失落去 辽远里,剩下灰色的长空一片 透彻的寂寞,你忍听冷风独语?


The seasons on earth are forever changing, In spring, you left some flowers and said goodbye, Not intending to return to share sighs of fall! Now, even the cloudy yellow leaves are all fallen, It left vast gray skies lonely. How can you stand the cold wind’s soliloquy?


The Day after Rain

我爱这雨后天, 这平原的青草一片! 我的心没底止的跟着风吹, 风吹: 吹远了香草,落叶, 吹远了一缕云,像烟—— 像烟。


I love the day after rain And the green grasses on the meadow! My heart is endlessly blowing with wind, Blowing with wind: Away the sweet grasses and fallen leaves, Away the clouds like smoke Like smoke.


Bright Smile

是谁笑得那样甜,那样深, 那样圆转?一串一串明珠 大小闪着光亮,迸出天真! 清泉底浮动,泛流到水面上, 灿烂, 分散! 是谁笑得好花儿开了一朵? 那样轻盈,不惊起谁。 细香无意中,随着风过, 拂在短墙,丝丝在斜阳前 挂着 留恋。 是谁笑成这百层塔高耸, 让不知名鸟雀来盘旋?是谁 笑成这万千个风铃的转动, 从每一层琉璃的檐边 摇上 云天?


Whose smile is it? It’s so sweet, so deep And so round! Strings of pearls, small ones, Big ones, all sparkle with innocence! Emerging from spring, it floats to the surface And brightly Scatters around! Whose smile is it? It’s like a flower blossom, Graceful, not disturbing a soul! The mindless, subtle fragrance drifts with wind, Whiffs over a low wall, and sojourns In the air Around the sun. Whose smile is it? It built this hundred story tower With unknown birds flying around? Whose smile Is it? It made tens of thousands of wind bells ring From the eaves of colored glazes layers All the way up Into the sky?

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