  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Dara Wier

Carl Sandburg

Carl Sandburg(1878-1967) was born in Galesburg, Illinois. He was the author of volumes of poems and a six-volume definitive biography of Abraham Lincoln. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for the second part of his Lincoln biography, Abraham Lincoln: The War Years (1939). He received a second Pulitzer Prize for his Complete Poems in 1950.




金舟,原名王铀。英文笔名为Goldboat或Gold boat。知名学者。生于于哈尔滨,旅居加拿大多年。金舟曾就读于哈尔滨工业大学,并获工学博士学位。后到北京任教,并被聘为教授。现为哈尔滨工业大学教授。 金舟的诗及其所译的英美诗歌常有发表。

Poet and translator. Originally You Wang. He was born in Heilongjiang Province, China. Goldboat obtained his Ph.D. from Harbin Institute of Technology, China. He has published many poems and translations in poetry journals in China and abroad. Now,he is a professor at Harbin Institute of Technology.



I asked a gypsy pal To imitate an old image And speak old wisdom. She drew in her chin, Made her neck and head The top piece of a Nile obelisk and said: Snatch off the gag from thy mouth, child, And be free to keep silence. Tell no man anything for no man listens, Yet hold thy lips ready to speak.


我请求一个吉普赛朋友 去摸仿一个古时的形象 并说着古人的名训。 她收回她的下巴, 把她的脖子和头弄成 尼罗河方尖碑顶之状 说: 从你嘴中取出塞口物, 孩子, 且尽管保持沈默。 别告诉人任何事,因没有人听, 可你的嘴唇却要准备好随时开讲



Fasten black eyes on me. I ask nothing of you under the peach trees, Fasten your black eyes in my gray with the spear of a storm. The air under the peach blossoms is a haze of pink.


用黑眼睛盯着我。 桃树下我对你别无所求, 用你带风暴之矛的黑眼睛 刺入我的阴郁吧。 桃花下的空气是粉色的雾。



DESOLATE and lone All night long on the lake Where fog trails and mist creeps, The whistle of a boat Calls and cries unendingly, Like some lost child In tears and trouble Hunting the harbor's breast And the harbor's eyes.


落寞和孤独 整夜飘于湖上 烟雾弥漫处, 小船的汽笛 无休止号哭, 像走失的孩童 哭泣加烦恼 将港口的胸脯 和眼睛追逐。

The Hammer


I have seen The old gods go And the new gods come. Day by day And year by year The idols fall And the idols rise. Today I worship the hammer.


我一直看到 旧神离去 和新神到来。 日复一日 年复一年 偶像倒下 和偶像升起。 今天 我崇拜铁锤。

Mysterious Biography


Christo Colombo was a hungry man, hunted himself half way round the world; he began poor, panhandled, ended in jail, Christofo so hungry, Christofo so poor, Christofo in the chilly, steel bracelets, honorable distinguished Christofo Colombo.


克里斯多夫-哥伦布曾是个饥汉 环绕了半个世界追寻自己; 他开始受穷,行乞,最后坐牢, 克里斯多夫如此饥饿,如此贫苦, 克里斯多夫戴着冰冷的钢手铐, 高贵著名的克里斯多夫.哥伦布。

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