  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Dara Wier

Lesley Yalen

Lesley Yalen is a poet and fiction writer who is currently getting her MFA at the University of Massachusetts.



Ying Yun


Ying Yun was born in Hunan, China. She immigrated to USA in 1990s and graduated from California State University. She has published some poems and essays on newspapers. She lives in Los Angeles, California.

A Matter of Form


Petals are pretty unbearable after they have fallen. The deepest blush at the onset of rot—I am too human! I say pull out the tooth before the cavity comes. That flower girl, follow her down the aisle and pick up her mess. Consider the stink, with the whole of eternity yet to be vowed and the wrecked knees of everyone I know on the dance floor. Weaklings! And again, the command: approach your love. I approached. I asked him, What form of love is this? And he answered immediately, This is the deep deep and long-lasting temporary love.


花落之后变得不能容忍。 腐烂开始时那一抹最深的红晕——我太过人性!我说 长牙洞之前拔了那牙。女花童 紧跟她走入过道 捡起她留下的混乱。想想 这股奇臭,整个永恒要被海誓山盟 舞厅的地板上是我认识的每一个人 破烂的膝盖。 窝囊废!又一次,发号施令:靠近你的爱。 我靠近了;问他,这是什么形式的爱? 他立刻回答, 这是深深的 深 深 的 持——久——的 临时的爱。

The Cut

It’s a scissor summer opening for the pulp our life has clumped recently into. Rust is a hindrance we can slice in spite of. * we are in the meadow we are in the garden planted with pottery shards and the principles of palmistry wherever we are there is plenty of unreal fruit on the trees jicama kiwi extra-ordinary things to eat wherever I am * I want to hunch with you where the berries are flush watch the bushes go green and you blood blue. I want to sleep in the infirmary where you were splinted. There. Let me peroxide your fat split skin. * Will you join me on the cot or must the cot be my own tiresome quiet? * Love— the lips of summer hinge here Love I have for you a gesture and a tool I had one piece of paper I have two now watch them rock to the ground like still-living birds


它是剪刀的夏天 为我们生命最近 聚集一起形成的 果肉打开 锈 是 我们无休止地 切成一片一片 的妨碍 * 我们在草地上我们在种满 碎瓷与看相的规则的院中 无论我们在哪里树上总是 结满不真实的果实小罗卜 弥猴桃我何时何地都要吃 的超级普通的东西 * 我想和你一起弯着在遍地 草莓泛红的地方看灌木丛 变绿你的血变蓝。我想睡在 你被金属片绑着的医疗所。 那里。让我过氧化着你肥胖 分裂的皮肤。 * 你会来小床上和我一起么 或许这床是我自己疲惫的 安静? * 爱—— 夏天铰链的嘴唇这里 我对你的爱是手势和 工具我曾经有一张纸 现在有两张看着它们 震到地板像静静活着 的鸟儿

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